English 8

Joseph Le Conte Middle School 

Course Description 

Ms. Lopez

English - Grade 8 

Fall 2024 - Spring 2025

Course Description

The main focus of this course is for students to embark on a dynamic exploration of language through fiction and non-fiction texts to support the culmination of skills essential for academic proficiency, success, and high school readiness. Students will engage with complex texts that encourage them to develop their analytical and interpretation abilities. They will learn to evaluate information critically, recognize bias, and form evidence-based conclusions, fostering deeper insights into literature and the world around them.

This course is designed to deepen students' understanding and appreciation of the English Language through a balanced curriculum integrating reading, writing, speaking, and listening. Students will also continue to develop technology and study skills to conduct inquiry-based investigations and effectively integrate sources into their writing. They will learn to evaluate sources for reliability and credibility, preparing them for future academic endeavors. All units of study align with California English-Language Arts Standards for Grade Eight. 

Critical Thinking

Through the study of various literary genres and texts, students will practice developing critical thinking skills. They will learn to analyze themes, characters, and literary devices, which are fundamental for understanding the more complex literature they will encounter in high school.


Students will write daily within varying levels of difficulty and standard. This prepares students to express their ideas effectively and coherently. It is also good practice for high school where writing expectations will be higher.


Students will be reading a variety of texts to build a strong vocabulary. This will enhance students' ability to comprehend complex texts and communicate more precisely. They will also practice the analytical skills needed to interpret what they read.

Media Literacy

Students will learn that in today's digital age, understanding how to navigate online resources responsibly, evaluate digital sources critically, and use technology tools effectively are crucial. These skills acquired in 8th-grade English are applicable across all paths of life.


Each student will receive a letter grade based on completion of coursework. All coursework will be transparent with clear instructions to ensure equity and equality. Grading criteria, rubrics, and expectations for assignments and assessments will be clear and communicated to students. These assignments include, but aren't limited to projects, presentations, quizzes, and essays to allow students with different strengths and learning styles to demonstrate their understanding and skills. Students will be provided with differentiated instruction to meet all diverse needs. Students will be given clear feedback and many opportunities to present mastery. Students will be encouraged to revise their work based on feedback provided to encourage growth and improvement over time.

Letter Grade







of Mastery 


Demonstrates Mastery

The student demonstrates a thorough and sophisticated understanding of course content and can completely use the targeted skills in familiar and unfamiliar situations. The student rarely makes mistakes and can help others who need assistance.


Approaching Mastery

The student demonstrates a clear understanding of the course content and can use the targeted skills consistently in familiar situations. The student makes infrequent mistakes and only requires assistance when facing unfamiliar situations.


Developing Understanding

The student demonstrates some understanding of the course content and can use the targeted skills and familiar situations. The student expresses misconceptions about course content and/or makes significant mistakes when working without assistance.


Beginning Understanding 

The student demonstrates only a partial understanding of the course content and basic competency with the targeted skills. The student requires assistance to complete tasks successfully.


Insufficient Evidence

The student has not yet submitted work or has submitted work that is incomplete to the extent that no accurate assessment of the student's ability can be made. The student did not provide enough evidence to determine a level of mastery.

Homework 15%

Classwork 15%

Essays 20%

Projects 20%

Participation                 10%

Tests 20%

A: 90-100%

B: 80-89%

C: 70-79%

D: 60-69%

F: Below 60%

Work Habits

E Excellent - Student excels expectations

S Satisfactory- Student work suffices

U Unsatisfactory- Student consistently does not complete work 


Attendance is crucial for student success. Students are expected to attend all scheduled classes unless excused for valid reasons. Parents/guardians are responsible for notifying the school or teacher of student absences as soon as possible. Prompt arrival to class is expected. Tardiness disrupts learning and may result in missed instructional time. Attendance and participation will be factored into grading.  Excessive absences or tardiness may affect a student’s overall grade.  Students are responsible for making up missed assignments, homework, quizzes, tests, and other classwork within a determined time frame based on the assignment/assessment. Check Schoology or Google Classroom for any missed assignments.

Class Rules

  1. Pick up after yourselves
  2. Be seated once the second bell rings
  3. Hall Passes are a right but don’t abuse them
  4. Speak to others as if you were speaking to yourself
  5. Do not talk when the instructor is talking
  6. Never be afraid to ask questions


    • Fair Warning: Verbal warning to reteach rules
  • Second warning: Conference with student and seat change.
  • Contact with Parent: The teacher will call home or email your parent/guardian. Teacher actions will be documented on MISIS under “Interventions”
  • Extended Period: Student will stay in during Nutirition or Lunch for 10 minutes to finish the assignment.
  • Proper Authorities: Referral to counseling through MISIS

Materials Required

  • 1 spiral bound Notebook - College Ruled. 
  • Pencils, pens (Black or Blue), erasers and Highlighters
  • 1 double pocket folder. To be used ONLY for this class, no other. 


I, ____________________________, have read the Course Description with my Parent or Guardian and we understand the responsibilities and expectations laid out for me in this Classroom for the 2024-2025 school year. We accept the rules and consequences and will try our best to acquire all materials. 

Parent/Guardian Name__________________________

Parent/Guardian Signature_________________________ Date________

Student Signature______________________________    Date_________

Sign, cut along the dotted line, and have this slip turned in for full points.