Grade 6 Department & SAS Program

Welcome to Le Conte Middle School!  My name is Helen Allen Jackson and I’ve been teaching at Le Conte since 2016.  When I started here I begin with the Special Education Department which is a wonderful department where I helped students become independent and reach their goals.  Several years ago, I transitioned to 6th grade department and SAS where I teach English and History.  In the School for Advanced Studies we will focus areas involving critical thinking, as well as, various other areas of giftedness.  I was born and raised in South Los Angeles.  I attended LA Southwest Community College.  I graduated with my AA degree in Child development and later transferred to Cal State University Los Angeles earning a Bachelor’s degree in Urban Learning. 

If you need to reach me please reach for any reason please call the school, reach out on Class Dojo or you can email me at [email protected] or call me at the school at 323.308.1700 and I will return your call as soon as possible thank you.

English and History

6th Grade

Le Conte Middle School​



Mrs. Allen Jackson ​

Email: [email protected]

(323) 308-1700​

I am excited to work with you and your child this school year.  I’ll strive to help the students become more independent and help them develop a healthy self-esteem.  While creating a safe and effective environment for learning.

Course Descriptions​:

History - Sixth grade students will study the beginning of early civilizations through the rise of the Roman Empire. Students will study the geographical, religious, achievements, political, economic, and social foundations for early civilizations progressing through the Roman Empire. They will analyze the shift from nomadic societies to agricultural societies. Students will study the development of civilizations, including the areas of Mesopotamia, Egypt, Africa (Kush), India, China, Ancient Israel, Greece, and Rome.​

English – Sixth grade students in English will become readers, writers, listeners, speakers, and critical thinkers. Additionally, this course will help students practice various types of writing such as: narrative, response to literature, research/expository, and persuasive writing. In both classes Students will demonstrate their abilities in a variety of ways including tests, quizzes, essays, projects and daily assignments.​


All students have been assigned Impact California Social Studies: World History and Geography, Ancient Civilizations and an Inquiry Journal Workbook/consumable published by McGraw-Hill Education

The English book is also published by McGraw-Hill Education.  This book is online and there is a Reading/Writing workbook/consumable.

We will use a variety of supplementary materials to expand on the topics covered, various online programs, and videos.


1 Please sign up as soon as possible with Class Dojo so we can communicate for the success of your child.

2 I will also send messages or emails to you through Blackboard connect.

  • Class Dojo 
  •  Black Board Connect


1  Be Safe -(what does this look like) -  Being safe means to keep your hands, feet and objects to yourself, be careful of your surroundings, no running, don’t throw water, no climbing on furniture or anything where you can fall.  Put only good/healthy things into your body.

2 Be  Respectful/Be Kind- (what does this look like) -  Be polite to all adults on campus, check your body language because it speaks also, follow directions the first time given, don’t talk back ANY adult on campus, Raise your hand and wait for permission to speak, get out of your seat.

3 Be Responsible - (what does this look like) - Come to school on time and daily, bringing homework or papers back to school signed, bring laptop, charger,  and materials, wear the correct uniform, bring the correct books to class. Don’t leave class without permission.

4 Be Prepared  (what does this look like) -  Bring the right materials daily, bring computers(charged), study before every test, don’t lose materials. Come to class on time and ready to learn. Turn in all assignments on time.


1 Verbal or non-verbal warning

2 Seat change

3 Time out

4 Written reflection

5 Room change w/work

6 Detention

7 Call home/ parent conference

8 Intervention office

Attendance/Tardy Policy:

  • If a student is absent; they MUST make up the missing assignments.
  • It is their responsibility to get the work and do it in a timely manner when they return.
  • If you come in tardy you will stay in at nutrition or lunch if this happens more than twice (a pattern developing).
  • Tardies will result in detention and a U in Cooperation once a student reaches 5 or more in a grading period.  


  • Spiral notebook for each subject
  • pen, pencil, eraser, sharpener & baggie
  • Highlighter
  • Glue stick

Grading Policy:

Each assignment and assessment is a piece of evidence that demonstrates your progress towards mastering the learning targets.  Your academic grade will be based on your overall mastery of all learning targets.  Assignments and assessments are graded on a rubric that looks similar to this:



No evidence

I have no evidence demonstrating what is expected of me for this learning target.



I have provided little evidence demonstrating what is expected of me for this learning target.



I have demonstrated partial mastery of what is expected of me for this learning target.



I have mastered what is expected of me for this learning target.



I have mastered what is expected of me for this learning target with depth and complexity.

Progress report card grades are based on how well you have mastered all the learning targets completed by that progress report card. Letter grades are assigned based on the following criteria:

A = student has earned 4 on most learning targets, with no score less than 3

B = student has earned 3 or 4 on most learning targets, with no score less than 2

C = student has earned 2 or higher on most learning targets, with no score less than 1

D = student has earned 2 or higher on most learning targets, with some 0 scores

F = student has earned 0 on most learning targets


A = 80 – 100

B = 60 ­­­­– 80

C = 40 – 60

D = 20  - 40

F =   0 -  20


Assessment Scores

Proficiency Scores




I can apply my understanding of the Learning Target in novel situations. My work reflects the synthesis of new learning with previous knowledge.



I can apply my understanding of the Learning Target independently. Any errors that I make do not interfere with others' understanding of my work or represent conceptual misconceptions.


Approaching Proficiency

I can apply my understanding of the Learning Target with teacher or peer guidance. Errors that I make reveal misconceptions in conceptual understanding even though procedural application is evident. 


Developing Proficiency

I can apply my understanding of the Learning Target with substantial scaffolding and supports. Errors I make reveal deep misconceptions in conceptual understanding. Independent procedural application is also not evident. 


No evidence of proficiency

I cannot demonstrate understanding of the Learning Target either because I have not provided evidence or engaged with classroom resources. 

What do Letter Grades Mean?

Letter Grade

Number Grade 

What  does it mean?



Students demonstrate that he/she understands the material and can apply what they learned.



Student demonstrates that he/she has a very good understanding of the concepts but has difficulty applying what they have learned.



Student demonstrates that he/she is beginning to master the concepts taught.



Student demonstrates that he/she is beginning to understand the concepts taught.



Student has not demonstrated that he/she has learned anything.

Work Habits & Cooperation Grades:


Excellent (E)

Satisfactory (S)

Unsatisfactory (U)

Work Habits

When given a task, I start right away and work continuously until finished.  Follows a growth mindset. 

I bring all my classroom materials with me every day.


I complete all assignments.


I am in my seat and ready to work on time every day.

When given a task, I start quickly and work with very few breaks.  I need an occasional reminder to start on my work/stay on task. Follow a growth mindset sometime.


I bring my classroom materials with me most of the time.


I complete most of my assignments.


I am in my seat and ready to work on time most of the time.

I need reminders to get started on my work and/or to stay on task. Does not follow a growth mindset.


I need to remember to bring my classroom materials with me.


I need to complete more assignments.


I need to improve my attendance and/or show up to class on time.


I followed all  expectations.

I do not need behavior interventions.

Tardy one (1) or less times in a grading period.

I follow expectations most of the time.


I need behavior interventions occasionally.

Three (3) or more tardies in a grading period.

I need improvement to follow the expectations.


I frequently need behavior interventions.

Five (5) or more tardies in a grading period.


  • In both English and History students will have several projects they will work on in class, independently, and at home, during some units. 
  • Sometimes they will create the projects online, posters, flyers, brochures, etc. 


  • Homework may be assigned Monday thru Friday.  
  • Normally homework is classwork that the student was unable to finish in class. 
  •  Another important point to note is homework is used to reinforce the learning that was done that day or previous days.  
  • Sometimes students may be asked to read new material outside of class.  
  • Additionally, students may be working on research for projects.