Joseph Le Conte Middle School has developed a written Title I Parent and Family Engagement Policy with input from parents through the English Language Advisory Committee (ELAC) and School Site Council (SSC). Copies of the policy are mailed to parents and made available on the school website. The policy outlines the strategies for meeting Title I parent and family engagement requirements and includes the following:
Section I: Involvement of Parents
Parents are actively involved in an organized and timely manner in the planning, review, and improvement of the School Parent and Family Engagement Policy. Parents are encouraged to submit written comments or feedback regarding the plan.
Parents are invited to attend the Annual Title I Parent Meeting to learn about Title I requirements and their right to be involved in their child’s education.
During Back-to-School Night, the school hosts an informational meeting to explain the curriculum, the assessments used to measure student progress, and the proficiency levels students are expected to achieve.
ELAC and SSC hold monthly meetings, with times determined collaboratively by staff and parents to ensure maximum attendance. These meetings provide parents with opportunities to participate in decision-making regarding their child’s education.
Le Conte Middle School offers at least four parent workshops on topics such as: How to Support Your Middle Schooler at Home, Culmination Requirements, The Importance of Attendance, and School Experience Survey Results. These workshops are held in the Parent Center and Zoom, with translation services available to ensure accessibility for all families.
At least once a month, parents are invited to attend Coffee with the Principal, an informal gathering where they can share concerns, ask questions, and engage with school administrators in a relaxed environment.
Section II: Shared Responsibilities for High Student Academic Achievement
Joseph Le Conte Middle School provides all parents a School-Family Compact for Student Achievement. This compact, developed collaboratively with and approved by parents, outlines the shared responsibilities of parents, school staff, and students in improving student academic achievement. It highlights specific ways the school and families will work together to help students meet the state’s rigorous academic standards. The compact addresses the following legally required items, as well as other suggestions provided by parents:
- The jointly developed School-Family Compact details the responsibilities of parents, school staff, and students in supporting the academic success of students from diverse backgrounds and with varying educational needs.
- The compact will be reviewed and revised annually by members of ELAC and SSC. Once approved, it will be mailed to families by the school.
- Le Conte Middle School understands the critical role that parents play in supporting student learning outside the school. This includes attending student-led conferences, monitoring the completion of homework, and checking the District’s Parent Portal daily. This compact outlines how the school will strengthen partnerships with parents to help students achieve proficiency in the Common Core State Standards.
- Parents are strongly encouraged to attend Back-to-School Nights, Open Houses, and Student-Led Conferences. To ensure effective communication, parents will receive notifications via phone calls in English and Spanish, flyers, website updates, Schoology, ClassDojo, and Facebook posts. Parents are also welcome to contact the school by phone or email to schedule meetings with their child’s teacher regarding any specific concerns.
Section III: Building for Involvement
Joseph Le Conte Middle School engages Title I parents and family members in meaningful interactions with the school. It supports a partnership among staff, parents, and the community to improve student academic achievement. To help reach these goals, the school has established the following practices:
1. Le Conte Middle School, with the support of outside agencies, will provide opportunities for parents to increase their understanding of the following: Common Core State Standards; state and local assessments; graduation requirements; how to monitor their child’s progress and collaborate with teachers to improve academic achievement; federal, state, and local compliance requirements; school-wide intervention and achievement programs; literacy training and the use of technology to foster parental involvement; and school rules and policies.
2. Le Conte Middle School will educate school staff on the value and importance of treating parents as equal partners. Programs and activities will be coordinated to actively involve parents and strengthen the relationship between parents and the school.
3. Le Conte Middle School will provide training for parents upon request by parent councils, including ELAC, SSC and other parent groups. Information about meetings, activities, and programs is communicated to parents in a language they understand and is also made available on the school’s website: lecontems.net.
Section IV: Accessibility
Joseph Le Conte Middle School provides opportunities for all parents, including those with limited English proficiency, disabilities, and migratory students. Information and school reports are provided in a format and language that parents understand.
1. Le Conte Middle School welcomes all parents who want to volunteer and be a part of contributing to the school environment. If you are interested, please visit the Main Office or Parent Center for more information on requirements. (The requirements include Completion of online application, Tuberculosis (TB) clearance, Megan’s Law clearance, Fingerprint clearance and signed waiver.)
2. Parents may visit our Parent Center for Council meetings, classes, to access computers, and for other resources. We value and welcome input from parent volunteers to make the most of this space.
3. Parents may visit our Healthy Start Center for assistance in locating mental health or medical services in the community.
4. Recommendations and input from parents will be solicited and included as part of specific agenda items during ELAC and SSC meetings. This process will help focus training efforts on areas of need identified by parents.
5. Monthly Coffee with the Principal meetings will provide an opportunity for administrators to connect with parents, build rapport, and enhance parent-school communication.
This policy was adopted by Joseph Le Conte Middle School on November 14, 2024, and will remain in effect for the entire school year. Distribution to parents began on December 2, 2024.