iReady Assessment


All students will finish the iReady Assessment in Math and Reading this week. Please have your child show you their score.

How to Read the i-Ready Placement Tables

1. Turn to the correct placement table.

2. Find the student’s chronological grade in the first column. Use that row to determine relative placement levels. (Please note that for educators who have used previous versions of our placement tables, the rows and columns have been transposed in this new version).

3. Find the range that contains the student’s score, and use the column label for that range to determine the student’s absolute grade-level placement. The colors in each cell correspond to the colors in the score reports for the relative placements. If the student placed on grade, the cell will be divided into subcells. The first cell is Early On Grade Level, shaded light green. The middle cell is Mid Grade Level, and the last cell is Late Grade Level, both shaded darker green. Boxes that are shaded gray indicate that a score at this grade level is not possible.

math placement
reading placement